
How to make video tracks

1: Press play for playing the video.
2: Slide for start time.
3: Press pause.
4: Press start time
5: Press play again.
6: Slide for end time.
7: Press pause.
8: Press end time.
9: Insert filename, trackname and press save button.

Automatically saves the play sequence

1: Click or touch on the record play sequence button.
2: Animate your scene.
3: Click or touch on the stop record play sequence when done.

Video recording

Only supported by pc/mac

Deactivate drawing

Remember to deactivate drawing tools before you can move the players around.

Save scene for offline use

1: Setup up your scene.
2: Click or touch the save scene button.

Add name and number to player

1: Click or touch the button.
2: Double click or touch the player.
3: Write the playername and number and click on the save button.
4: Double click or touch the player.
5: Now choose the playername and number from the list below if desired.
6: When done adding playernames and numbers. Then click or touch the (P) button to deactivate.

Drag handballl/basketball/soccer/volleyball balls from here

When you want to use soccer, basketball, volleyball or handballs.

1: Point and hold down the mouse button or by touching the menu ball.
2: Now drag the balls onto the court.
3: Select the ball by clicking or touching the ball.

Add SportTacTic to your homescreen.

Remember to save the project or export your play sequences before deleting webdata.

The ball is connected to either blue or red team. When double clicking or tapping the players. 

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